Youth Board
The Buxton 'Our Street' Youth Board are a group of local 14-18 year-olds, who helped to steer the cultural programme and create their own events.

Music Development Days
Young people's music workshops
Working in association with High Peak Community Arts,Young people aged 13+ took part in free music workshops to learn composition and production techniques then create and perform original new music.
The first workshops took place over the October half term. Instrumentalist, technologist and producer, Gareth Carbery ran a day-course on recording and producing. Gareth was then joined by BBC Folk Singer of the year, Ríoghnach Connolly for a day of working by ear, playing together and creating original music.
More workshops took place in February half term, with singer-songwriter Rizzy Stephenson, leading up to a live showcase of the work at the Illuminate grand finale on Saturday 24th February.

Spooky Saturday
A day full of free, fun activites for children and young people.
Local artist, Kate Jenkins, gave a pumpkin carving demonstration and also ran a drop-in, pumpkin-painting activity for children, with some fantastic results.
Make-up artist, Joy Wright, organised a facepainting workshop and then a ghoulish fake-wound-making workshop. Each participant make their own latex injuries which they took away to apply later!